This Guardian self-funded scholarship program has been held since 2000 and this year's ceremony was held at S.K.H. St. Benedict’s School on 21 September 2019, a total of 155 students won the award. 38 students have been awarded Scholarships, which encourage them to study hard; 50 students have been awarded the Academic Progress Award, which recognized their remarkable progress in academic performance and encourage them to make further efforts and strive upstream. The scheme also features a Guardian Employees and Employees’ Children's Academic Progress Award to encourage them to continue their studies and promote a lifelong learning spirit. This award helps building a sense of belonging to employees. There was a total of 34 awards. In addition to the outstanding academic results, the award-winning students must also pass the interview of the Evaluation Advisory Board. All candidates possess outstanding current affairs insights, life goals and active participation in social activities. The Evaluation Advisory Committees were difficult to make a decision when all candidates were so bright. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the great support from all the participants and the Evaluation Advisory Committee members below.
Evaluation Advisory Committee Chairman
Evaluation Advisory Committee Members